In 2012 when I started this blog, it truly was an extension of my consulting company, K.M. Thornton & Co., llc. My career within Agricultural Business, which had started as an undergraduate in college, had run a full and educational course and I was ready to use my professional skills to assist specifically equestrian businesses. I had hired a business advisor to assist me with the transition and she suggested (rather insisted) that I use the blog as an outlet to write about my passion as it relates to the equestrian industry. Little did either of us know that it would morph into a business of it’s own!
Initially, the K.M. Thornton & Co., llc blog was a format to discuss industry trends, but within a year it evolved to better highlight my appreciation for equestrian inspired artisans. I had worked primarily with a commodity driven business sector (i.e. mass production) my entire career and I knew that the pursuit of perfection and the sacrifices of artisans better spoke to my heart. I partly attribute this connection to a childhood riding horses and saving money for various pieces of handmade tack and equipment that I would covet when purchased.
Approximately six months ago, I knew the time had arrived to distance my name from the blog so that it was more about the community. I am often approached for advice from other equestrians on topics that affect all of us including skincare, nutrition, and cross training and wanted to build a better forum to provide this information. The blog already has incredible advisory committee whose members were chosen because of their knowledge living the equestrian way of life. They provide first hand insights about products, events and issues that directly relate to this community. The blog was now much more about "us" as opposed to "me" as K.M. Thornton.
My time spent at the stable exponentially grew when I started my own company. Instead of working to pay someone to train and care for my horse, I now have flexible hours to ride and I manage many of the daily activities including grooming, health care, riding, etc. My close friends are now centered around horses instead of the office, and most of us are adult riders that have made various sacrifices to ride because we love what the sport provides. My daily lifestyle changed so much that I started wearing riding clothes to run errands and I figured out how to pair ballet flats with breeches and a nice washable sweater and then just change to boots at the barn. I am pretty filthy after caring for my horse, hence the name of this blog: STREET TO STABLE, not stable to street…I am sure many of you can relate!
Please make sure to email with questions or topics you would like addressed and needless to say, I am incredibly excited for the future of Street to Stable as an even stronger community at